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"Join the best foreigner support ecosystem in Korea!"


GoWonderfully works with valuable businesses that have reliably served the foreign community in Korea to provide great value to our clients. Get great discounts as a GoWonderfully client, or as a client of one of our partners and discover the best ecosystem of services that are essential for foreigners living or traveling to Korea.

Goal Logo

Members of the Global Overseas Adoptees' Link or G.O.A'.L. can get the following benefits:

- 15% discount on deposits made. Discounts only apply to the Wonderful package.

GoWonderfully clients who use Webring's services can get the following benefits:

- 10% discount for verified GoWonderfully's clients signing up for short term vehicle rentals, monthly subscription rentals and airport pickups.

- 10% discount for verified Webring Clients for any additional time deposits with Wonderful. Discounts only apply to the Wonderful package.

Webring Logo
American Womans Club of Korea Logo

Verified members of the American Women's Club of Korea get the following benefits.

-15% discount when signing up for the first time.
-10% discount on any additional deposits that they make. Discounts only apply to the Wonderful package.

GoWonderfully clients who use Shuttle Delivery can become Shuttle VIP members and get the following benefits:

- One free delivery fee every month (4,000 KRW value)

- Delivery Fee rebate of 10% credited to your Shuttle account for all delivery fees paid during your status as a VIP customer. For example, you paid 250,000 KRW in delivery 25,000 KRW (10% of delivery fees). You can use the credit any way you’d like.

- A free delivery on your birthday every year (4,000 KRW value)

- Free delivery fees on orders over 100,000 KRW
- Invites to Shuttle customer appreciation events

Shuttle Logo
Create Wellness Logo

One of the best wellness centers serving the English speaking community in Seoul. Current GoWonderfully clients get the following benefits:

- 10% discount on Create Wellness Center’s single session massage, chiropractic or other rehabilitation services prices. Discounts only apply to the Wonderfull package.

Interested in becoming a partner?
Send us a message on

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